past shows

Below you find a selection of impressions from past shows. Please use the contact form if you have any questions. Thank you!

  • 'ViART: Les invités': Ellen Eva Brouwers & François Besch (VIANDEN, LX, 2023)

Instead of my friend, the photographer Michel Medinger, who unfortunately fell ill and had to cancel at short notice, I had the honor to show some elder works together with Ellen Eva Brouwers  in the nice art gallery in Vianden (Luxembourg) from June 11th to July 2nd, 2023.

  • 'F****** 2020' (BÂTIMENT 4 BY CUEVA, 2020)

'F****** 2020: October' (mixte on canvas, 60 x 20cm)
'F****** 2020: October' (mixte on canvas, 60 x 20cm)

In november/december 2020 not less than 108 artists showed contemporary art works @ the huge group show 'Bâtiment 4' by Cueva. Click here for more info!

  • 'FUEL BOX IV'(2020)

(Photograph: Olivier Halmes/Editpress)
(Photograph: Olivier Halmes/Editpress)

'viral attack?' - Installation: one neon sign, ten art prints (spring 2020) More infos here!

  • 'SALON DU CAL' (2019)

'water & light'



'i've never been to lampedusa'

(summer 2019)


photoshop/m8 leica


  • 'AL ESCH' BY CUEVA (2019)

'1000 machines - a kind of selfie'

a very special one! 

click here for more infos!

  • 'Leit an der stad' (2017-19)

The exhibition showcased approximately 200 photographs featuring snapshots from everyday life in the public area in Luxembourg City, from the 1950s until 2017.

(Luxembourg City Museum 06.10.2017 - 31.03.2019)


'De Luxemburgers komen'. This was the title of an exhibtion in may and june 2017 at the Galerie bij den Boeken in Ulft (NL).
Other participating artists were Carine Kraus, Jean-Claude Berens, Luc Ewen, Nathalie Noé Adam and Marie-Pierre Speltz.

  • 'UECHT' BY CUEVA (2017)

    HIPSTAMATICS' (2017)

The "8. Monika von Boch-Preis für Fotografie 2017" was given to François Besch. This award, conferred to fine-art photographers every two years since 2003, in memory of the photographer Monika von Boch (1915-1993) was given to him at the Museum Schloss Fellenberg in Merzig/Saar (Germany) on march 19th 2017 during an exhibition with a selection of prints out of 5 of his series from 2010-2017.

(Photograph: Yann Ney)
(Photograph: Yann Ney)

  • 'SALON DU CAL' (2016)

Series: 'Von der Ästhetik der Zerstörung'


In 2013 took place the first phoneographical exhibition in public space in Luxembourg, an outdoor photo exhibition on Place Guillaume II from mid July to end September 2013 with portraits of multilingual teens living in Luxembourg.

  • 'SALON DU CAL' (2014)

Series: 'Steigender Meeresspiegel' ('Raising Sea Level')



  • 'POETIC RENAISSANCE' (2012-2013)

'Poetic Renaissance' was a group show at the Galerie Clairefontaine ( that took place in december 2012/january 2013.


During the 'Photomoeetings 2015' a show entitled 'Six Lives in Photography' took place at the 'Konschthaus Beim Engel' in Luxembourg-City.





"François Besch quant à lui nous offre des exemples époustouflants d'esthétisme pur de sa photographie paysagère. Les promenades de l’artiste dans la campagne du Sud du Pays sont autant de prétextes à dégainer son smartphone et l’application «Hipstamatic» afin de saisir une réalité pittoresque de la nature qu'il mute en véritable poésie visuelle emplie d'émotions propres. Sa série de portraits en noir et blanc de personnalités artistiques luxembourgeoises et étrangères – Brandy, Clergue, Schlechter, Camarda, la muse Koska entre autres - est nimbée de forts contrastes et d'une volonté de capter la psychologie de chacun de ses modèles tout en dévoilant la fascination et l'empathie qu'il éprouve pour eux."

                       (Nathalie Becker, Wort, 29.09.15)


  • 'DOWN HERE | UP THERE' (2011)

Galerie Terres Rouges
'Kulturfabrik' (




Participating in national and international art exhibitions since 1977 I had my very first solo show as art photographer in april/may 1990 at the 'Theaterstiffchen', a lovely former art gallery in the theater of his birthtown Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg).